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‘As a child growing up in London, I sometimes sat in the garden in the rain on a red camping stool under a black umbrella. I loved the fresh smell that rain brought, the sound it made tapping on taunt fabric and how the colours around me became more vibrant. For a moment after the rain stopped, everything seemed to stand to attention and come more alive’.

Julia’s interest in the shape of the landscape started with a degree in geology and many fieldtrips spent hammering away at rocks in the rain, listening to the downpour on her waterproof hood! So began a fascination between the natural world, the landscape and textiles.

Today she loves to be out walking or running in the glens and mountains of Scotland and northern England.
Growing up in a home of makers, her mother and grandmother sewing and knitting and her father working with wood, it was inevitable that Julia would also lead a creative life. After a first lesson in weaving on a 4-shaft table loom a passion for designing woven fabrics began.

A diploma in woven textile design followed with a work placement in a New York design studio which led to creating woven fabrics for the fashion, interior and transport markets.  As a freelance designer, Julia’s work was sold across Europe, North America and Japan through trade fairs and working with mills. 

Today Julia designs and handweaves textile art to wear or hang on the walls, working from an old Weaver's Cottage in a small village near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

‘I feel a sense of belonging living closer to nature and the wilder elements. Dwarfed by the Scottish landscape, I am moved by the weather, the colours and the sense of isolation. Everything I see lifts and empowers me and plays a role in my work’.
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